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Article by Vrin Parker

AKHNATON Worshiping the Sun God,ATON
AKHNATON Worshiping the Sun God, ATON

According to ancient records, 3400 years ago,Egyptian Emperor Menkheperura or Thutmose the IV, married a daughter of King Artatma. Artatma was the King of the Vedic Mittani Kingdom, situated in the Upper Euphrates river area. As mentioned before, the Mittani are universally recognized as Sanskrit speakers and followers of Vedic Dharma and Culture. This is evidenced in the various ancient tablets etc. that have been found by archeologists.

We know from a letter addressed by Dushratta, king of Mitanni-Artatamas grandson,-written to Akhnaton,that six times had Thotmose the Fourth made his request, but all in vain. Mitanni was a small kingdom; nothing to be compared with the mighty Egyptian Empire. Some suggest concerns about the Egyptian King's lack of Vedic culture was the basis for King Artatamas repeated refusal to give his daughter in marriage to the most powerful monarch of his times.Not until Egyptian King gained Vedic Knowledge and the seventh asking, did King Artatma agree to the marriage proposal.The Ancient records state, after the seventh asking,the king of Mitanni gave his daughter to the king of Egypt. 

The new Queen outwardly forsook her Vedic/Sanskrit name and adopted an Egyptian one, more in keeping with her new position-Mutemuya, or Mut in the sacred bark-and is styled upon the monuments as hereditary princess, Great Lady, presiding over the South and over the North. Of her personality and actual influence nothing is known. It can only be surmised that she would, in her new home, feel herself drawn to Vedic dieties such as the Sun-God Surya,which the Greeks were one day to call Heliopolis-to Ra-Horakhti of the Two Horizons.The Egyptian's called the Sun-God Atem or Aton. Most probably, she could relate to the fiery Disk of Aton,-much like her native Aryan gods Mithra and Surya, rather than replace their worship with the exalted Amon, the tribal god of Thebes. Her real, undeniable contribution to the further history of Egypt (and of religious thought) lies however in the fact that she gave birth to King Amenhotep the Third or Amenhotep the Magnificent.

Amenhotep the Third, married one of the most remarkable feminine characters of Antiquity, Tiy, daughter of Yuaa and of Tuau, or Tuaa. Although Yuaa was a priest of the age-old Egyptian fertility-god, Min, he was a foreigner from North Syria or, to be more precise, from the Vedic Mitanni Kingdom.During this time in Egyptian history, the ruling aristocracy of Egypt,including the king, were of mixed Egyptian and Mittani ancestry. Sir Flinders Petrie holds Yuaa to have been one of those numerous allied or vassal princes that were then brought up at the Egyptian Court.

Scholars are not sure whether Queen Tiys mother, Tuau or Tuaa, who, according to most scholars, was of royal descent, was a full-blooded Egyptian or partly or wholly Mitannian inspite of her Egyptian name. In a letter sent by Dushratta, king of Mitanni, to Akhnaton, Tiy is called my sister, which would indicate that she herself was, through one of her parents at least, if not through both, was of royal Mitannian blood.

Not enough has been written about the probable Vedic influence of the many Mitannians who lived at the Egyptian Court. In particular, not enough is publicly known about the influence of the Vedic Mittani in Amenhotep the Thirds house of women-upon the education of the young prince who was to ascend the throne as Amenhotep the Fourth. He has become immortal under the name of Akhnaton, the well known father of King Tutankamen.


What has been virtually ignored are the deep Vedic roots of Akhnaton. On his Father's side, his Grandmother was Mittani, and his Father was half Mittani. On his mother's side, his Grandfather was Mittani, his Grandmother at least half Mittani and his own Mother was half or maybe a full blooded Mittani. Since there is no doubt as to the Vedic/Aryan identity of the Mittani, we can be confidant of the fact that Akhnaton was strongly influenced by Vedic Culture. This explains the many similarities between his religion of the Sun and Vedic Spirituality.

His devotion to One Supreme Godhead has also been recognized to have impacted Moses and the religion of Judaism and Christianity. What is not very well known, is the Vedic Basis and nature of Akhnaton's philosophy and religion.This is another very important link between Vedic Culture, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.